Greek Excellence
Alabama - Beta Delta
By Daniel Propp Feb 26, 2018
This past Sunday, Feb. 25th, several ATOs attended the Greek Excellence Awards Banquet, an annual ceremony that recognizes Greek organizations for their achievements. We are proud to announce that the Beta Delta Chapter was awarded the Dr. Robert E. Witt Cup, given to the single most outstanding chapter for exemplifying the ideals and values of The University of Alabama’s Greek community. Over 66 chapters between the APA, NPHC, UGC, and IFC were competing to receive this award, and it is an honor to be recognized as the Top Chapter at The University of Alabama. We were also honored to receive awards for Outstanding Alumni Relations, Outstanding Commitment to Diversity, Outstanding University and Community Relations, and Most Outstanding IFC Chapter. We owe our success to the many ATOs before us who have maintained a high standard of integrity, and we have an obligation to future brothers to continue the tradition of excellence.