Stars and Stripes
Oregon State - Alpha Sigma
By Benjamin Hubertus May 30, 2017
Last week the brothers of the Alpha Sigma chapter hosted our annual signature philanthropy event Alpha Tau Omega Stars and Stripes. Stars and Stripes this year was a three day philanthropy organized by the brothers to raise money for the Oregon Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America (OPVA) and the Wounded Warrior Project. For two days, participating fraternity and sorority teams were encouraged to check in and donate money to help earn each team points towards winning the philanthropy. On the third day all of the participating fraternity and sorority teams raced on a inflatable obstacle course to earn trophies for being the fastest to complete the course. Additionally, on the third day a representative from OPVA, Dan, joined us to tell us more about his experiences as a veteran and more about what OPVA is. Overall, the the brothers had a great time working together to raise money for such an important cause.