“The Mis-Addled Adventures of Edgewood Estates” a children’s book by Brother Andrew Cheek
By Vatslav Orlov Oct 3, 2015
About the Author: Brother Andrew Cheek is a junior at NC State majoring in English Film Studies, with a minor in Arts Entrepreneurship. When not drifting amidst the coursework and the classrooms, Andrew spends his time running, playing golf, writing, and expressing his rhythms on the violin. In the coming few months Andrew, and his friend Zach Weiss, will publish a children’s book called The Mis-Addled Adventures of Edgewood Estates, which follows the interactions of several main characters through and about a country-club setting. A quaint pond, rolling hills and green grasses, the sweeping landscapes and meaningful introspections converge to create a portrait of words… a story about life and self-worth intended for kids but applicable to all. Lessons and blessings in this dance so grand, the cast is of animals: a mouse as country club owner (and former King), a beagle as new groundskeeper, a sly arctic fox existing as a looming enemy – this tale is woven and shrouded in the magic of living. The Mis-Addled Adventures of Edgewood Estates, in addition to curling words and breezy imagery, has within it nearly 40 water-color/acrylic paintings – abstracted but expressive, drawing on techniques from the past but existing in the present. With an emphasis on a life well balanced, a modus operandi we should all adhere to, this book will leave readers with a mind entranced. For more information feel free to visit the book’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/LouisVonRaught