The Theta Delta Chapter Shows Up to The Big Event with Numbers
Virginia Tech - Theta Delta
By Joseph Badlato Apr 12, 2016
This past Saturday, the brothers of the Theta Delta chapter participated in The Big Event. This event embodies Virginia Tech’s motto, Ut Prosim, That I May Serve. The Big Event is a student-run community service initiative with the focus of giving back and saying thank you to the community of Blacksburg, Christiansburg, and the New River Valley. This is event has grown to be the largest community service event at Virginia Tech, with over 9,000 volunteers this year. 66 of our brothers volunteered this year, and did yardwork for members of our community. Some of the tasks completed included mulching, planting trees, taking down fences, and removing thorn bushes, vines, and other weeds. Of all the Greek organizations that participated this year, Alpha Tau Omega had the highest percentage of its volunteers show up the day of the event. 100% of our 66 brothers that volunteered stayed committed to giving back to the community, despite the snow the morning of the event! The Big Event committee was kind enough to award us with a free DJ for any of our events! We’re looking forward to next year!