Virginia Tech – Theta Delta Chapter – January Brother of the month
Virginia Tech - Theta Delta
By Thomas De Angelus Feb 2, 2018
The first brother of the month this year goes to our very own Matthew Grocock. Matthew has recently been named CFO for the student organization COINS. Commodity Investing by Students (COINS) is the only student-run commodities trading group in the United States and invests a portfolio of up to one million dollars of the Virginia Tech endowment in futures-based ETFs and ETNs. Jack Gutermuth, our chapter's president had this to say on the matter, “Being a fellow COINS member myself, I have seen up close the impact that Matthew has made in such a short time. As the Energy Division Head, he did a fantastic job, and I am looking forward to seeing great things from him as the groups new CFO.”. Congratulations Matthew, and thank you for embodying all that a fraternity man encompasses both inside and outside the class room.