Virginia Tech – Theta Delta Chapter – Tausday
Virginia Tech - Theta Delta
By Thomas De Angelus Jr. Feb 7, 2018
Today, the Theta Delta Chapter at Virginia Tech celebrated its' weekly event "Tausday". Tausday is an opportunity for our fraternity to give back to all students on campus during a 15 minuet class change in a prime location on campus. We give back by handing out various gifts to help brighten the school spirit. Our Tausday Chair, Fabian Shelton had this to say on the event, "Tausday is something dear to my heart. When I joined the committee last semester I couldn’t believe how much fun it was. When the Tausday Chair position came open I knew it was a job I wanted to do. Seeing the smiles on people’s faces when they see us makes every Tuesday that much better. Tausday is all about making people’s days and I’m excited to see how far we can take it..". This week we handed out candy, cookies, oatmeal cream pies, and fruit snacks.