In the first three weeks of Summer 2022, four Alpha Tau Omega brothers, Jack Martin, Paul Sofineti, Braden Blackburn and Gamma Gamma Chapter President Jake Phillips embarked on a journey around western Kenya, Africa immersing themselves in human-centered sustainable engineering design, cultural immersion, and engineering education in a different social…
Roadshow Posts
Rose-Hulman - Gamma Gamma
Gamma Gamma Brothers Engineer a Foundation Installation System in Kenya’s Underprivileged Communities
Nov 14, 2022
BBBS Christmas Party
Dec 26, 2016
It's always a gift and an honor to assist Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Vigo county in their annual Christmas party, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
ATO Gamma Gamma and Big Brothers Big Sisters Christmas Party
Dec 11, 2015
In collaboration with the Chi Omega chapter at Rose-Hulman, we hosted our annual Christmas Party for Big Brother's Big Sisters of Vigo County. As a chapter, we put on various activities including Christmas cookie decorating, arts and crafts, and visiting with Santa.
ATO’s Standout in the Terre Haute Community
Dec 3, 2015
Over the past couple weeks, members of the Gamma Gamma chapter have gone out into the Terre Haute, IN community and helped various organizations in the community. Brothers helped plant trees around the local community and competed in the United Way's Grillin and Chill Burger Cook-Off where we were awarded…
Rose-Hulman Day of Service
Oct 26, 2015
As an extension of Rose-Hulman's annual Day of Service, a group of brothers went out into Terre Haute to give back to the local community. Our group helped with organizing a local church's storage areas as well as performing maintenance on and repainting some of the church's buildings.