Brother Smith Reflects on his Past Presidential Term and Talks About His New Goals
Auburn - Alpha Epsilon
By Will Blakely Dec 1, 2018
Brother Clarkson Smith (PC ‘15) has learned a lot this past year during his time serving as ATO president, but now it’s time for him to pass the torch to recently elected William Snell (PC ‘16). Known for his tenderness, Clarkson is commonly referred to by his brothers as “a gentleman, a scholar, a friend, and a hopeless romantic.” When asked about his post-presidency life, Clarkson responded “my new found free time has given me the ability to reflect on my academics and pursue a career of streaming Red Dead Redemption 2. I hope to make my way into the eSports arena in the next few months.” Though he is done with his presidency, Clarkson has stepped up to be the next brotherhood chair and has assured the chapter that he will “bind men together in a brotherhood based upon eternal and immutable principles with a bond as strong as right itself and as lasting as humanity.” For Clarkson’s many positions he has taken on, Alpha Epsilon thanks him for all of his efforts for the chapter.