Leaders sign proclamation recognizing September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month hosted by Eta Psi Chapter of ATO
West Florida - Eta Psi
By Tommy Judd Oct 21, 2018
PENSACOLA, Fla. (WEAR) — September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. In the United States alone, almost 45,000 people take their own lives every year. Local leaders signed a proclamation recognizing September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Monday morning at the University of West Florida. The chapter president of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity said this has been their major cause for the last 10 years. Now they’re planning even more events to raise awareness. "As we've been trying to get the message out, we've met more and more people that do have a story close to their heart about somebody who has committed suicide or somebody who has attempted to commit suicide,” said Kip Wynne. For every person who commits suicide, an estimated 25 people make the attempt. It’s the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S.