Taus Create Revolutionary New Business

Auburn - Alpha Epsilon

By Will Blakely Jun 3, 2019

Taus Create Revolutionary New Business

College is an exciting time that brings students the best memories and friendships that they will remember forever. While this exciting time is rich with excitement and camaraderie, students are more than ever short on cash. No one knows this better than Parker Roan (Fall 10), Connor Lewis (Fall 12), and Chaney Knowlton (Fall 15). These alumni learned during and after school that student debt and hidden expenses make it difficult for college students to keep their head above water at times. Their solution is simple; create opportunities to make money without disrupting one’s study habits. Class Cash is a mobile app that actually pays students to learn and study on campus. It begins with a campus rep applying a sticker on to the back of student’s laptops. The sticker is then scanned in a payout zone (i.e. student center, library, classrooms) on campus and students earn for every minute their laptop stays open in these zones. Just by being on campus for 15 hours a week, the average time students are on campus anyway, students can make around $20-30. All of our brothers involved are revolutionizing studying and learning on campus while helping thousands of students and minimizing the $1.5 trillion student debt crisis. Best of luck to the Class Cash team!

Chapter Stats

Statistic Quantity
Undergraduate 4
Total Posts 4
Total Points 20


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