Brother Bentley was initiated into Order of Omega and joined the likes of White Tea Rose, Miss. Cayla Robinson. The following week, he was elected at Vice President of Order of Omega! Becoming the first ΑΤΩ at Eastern Kentucky University to earn a position on the executive board of Order…
Roadshow Posts
Eastern Kentucky - Kappa Tau
Kappa Delta Shamrock SuperBowl
Apr 25, 2018
Kappa Tau had a great time participating in Kappa Delta’s Shamrock SuperBowl in support of preventing child abuse!
Mar 29, 2018
Kappa Tau’s signature event, Egg-A-Rega has begun this week. $1=1 egg to throw at a brother. All proceeds go to Hope’s Wings Domestic Violence shelter.
Mr. KDT Pageant
Mar 23, 2018
Brother JP Bishop competed and won the Mr. KDT Pageant. He earned the title Yellow Rose and is their sweetheart now!