Yesterday, the brothers of ATO donated $200 worth of supplies to Alpha Chi Omega’s Drive For Dove. ATO stands in solidarity with survivors of domestic violence, believes victims, and supports the local community and our friends in the Greek Community. The Drive For Dove is going on through tomorrow, so…
Roadshow Posts
Millikin - Theta Iota
Tau Tuesday Spotlight
Mar 17, 2021
Happy #TauTuesday to @kristianboado & @joeytdavies for #BrotherOfTheWeek with their amazing accomplishments for the men's CCIW finishes!
Exec Member Spotlight
Mar 5, 2021
Happy Friday!! Meet Seth Hansen! He is a Senior Management Information Systems Major with a Minor in Cyber Security. Seth is currently the Historian and Membership Education Chair of the Theta Iota Chapter of ATO. He loves to play golf with his grandpa and friends. His favorite sports team is…
Exec Member Spotlight
Mar 4, 2021
Meet our Recruitment Chair, Terezz Lee!! He is a Junior Arts Technology major with a focus in Visual Media and Arts Administration! Terezz is looking forward to take our recruitment process to the next level and introducing ATO to everyone here at Millikin. With this position he hopes to be…
Exec Member Spotlight
Mar 3, 2021
Welcome Collin Krakowiecki! He is a Senior Finance Major and is currently the Scholarship Chair of the Theta Iota Chapter of ATO. Collin is looking forward to helping his brothers succeed academically. He has always admired the hard work and dedication of ATO's, and their fierce desire for academic success…