Brother Gagne, Spotlight
Northern Kentucky - Theta Omega
By Matt Frey Aug 24, 2017
Over the past year Brother Gagne has put in a lot of work that has been paying off in the last few weeks. Although it has been very hectic, Gagne's is proud to have obtained many valuable jobs in the Northern Kentucky Area. In regards to his major, Gagne has now has a job at Plante Moran as an audit intern. This is a futherance of a summer internship he had. Second, he has been sworn in as the Chief of Staff for the Student Government Association. Furthermore, Gagne has a job on the NKU Phonathon staff. This job will connect him with NKU Alumni, so that the university can diversify its donators. Brother Gagne epitomizes what it means to a Tau, as the Chaplain, a leader, and a hard worker.