Brother John Smith Receives a Full Ride to the Doctorate Program!
Virginia Tech - Theta Delta
By Joseph Badlato Feb 29, 2016
The brothers of Alpha Tau Omega are proud to congratulate our brother John William Smith Jr. for receiving a full ride to the doctorate program for statistics here at Virginia Tech! John is a first generation college student, and a senior from Wantage, New Jersey. He is currently pursuing a degree in Applied and Computational Mathematics with a concentration in statistics. John is currently the fourth ranked student in his class and has been on the Dean’s list for all seven of the semesters he has been a student here. John is a dedicated student, fraternity brother, and member of the Virginia Tech community which shines through his accomplishments and his contributions to the organizations he is a member of. John has contributed to the academic realm of Virginia Tech through his time working as a tutor at the math emporium, as well as his work as an undergraduate grader for the Virginia Tech department of Mathematics. John is also founding father of the Theta Delta chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and has served two terms as an officer in the fraternity. John served as the recruitment chair for ATO in the fall of 2014 and then served as ATO’s scholarship chair in 2015. In addition to his membership in the fraternity, John is a member of the Virginia Tech Math club, as well as the Virginia Tech statistics club. John has also conducted undergraduate research for Virginia Tech under Dr. Yuriko Renardy, focusing on the deformation of small droplets in confined parabolic pressure driven flow.