Brothers Feed Thousands
Ball State - Theta Alpha
By Malik Ojuri Mar 16, 2017
Brothers gathered to volunteer and help feed the hungry. Along with the graceful women of Alpha Omicron Pi, multiple brothers volunteered their time to prepare 400+ meals for the Muncie community. Individuals were asked to prepare "snack packs" and collect non-perishables to be given to each child. After hours and hours of good work, the brothers left more inspired than ever. The brothers volunteered at Inside Out: Fresh Directions because they saw that our chapter values aligned with what the organization was attempting to do. With Inside Out, they aim to make healthy meals for kids that come from impoverished homes in Muncie, Indiana. Brother John Matteucci, freshman dietetics major, stated that it is a privilege to serve the local community while educating the younger generation on health benefits. Thank you for hosting us, Inside Out!