Former Alpha Epsilon President to Attend Top Ranked Law School
Auburn - Alpha Epsilon
By Chad Vianey Oct 2, 2018
Brother Regan Drake is set to attend the highly-esteemed University of Chicago Law School, whose notable faculty and alumni include former President Barack Obama and founder of TMZ, Harvey Levin. Former President Drake’s stint in office can be described by a time of prosperity and fulfilled promises for the Chapter. Drake took quick action in addressing the Chapter’s number one concern of installing Wi-Fi technology at the house. Drake went on to launch Alpha Epsilon’s first annual Powder Puff Tournament, which has since raised more than $30,000 for charity over a short two-year span. Under his leadership, the Chapter successfully hosted Grammy nominated artist B.o.B., further solidifying Drake’s legacy at Alpha Epsilon. #AEAlumniUpdate #TauTuesday