The Rams Run
Missouri - Gamma Rho
By Henry Politz Mar 3, 2021
Every year, Mizzou RAMS (Rockin’ Against Multiple Sclerosis) hosts a 5K to raise awareness and money for multiple sclerosis and the MS Institute of Mid-Missouri. Considering that a 5K with multiple Greek life houses participating would be quite the large gathering, there was not a big organized 5K run this year. Instead, each house was encouraged to have a group of people do some sort of cardiovascular activity outdoors to raise awareness to the RAMS movement. The weather here at Mizzou was brutally cold in early February, but once it finally warmed up, our chapter was able to get outside and run. On February 23, it was finally sunny and somewhat warm, so 10 of our brothers ran a lap around Greek town to raise awareness for the RAMS movement. Our ATO brothers had a lot of fun on this run and a group picture of the men who did the run for our chapter is posted here on the roadshow website and also on our Instagram page (@ato_mizzou).