Our continued sympathy for the family of Sam Martinez.  His tragic death cannot be easy for Sam’s family and friends.

From our first conversations with 60 Minutes, we agreed with their goal – to raise awareness about the ongoing issue of hazing.  ATO cooperated with 60 Minutes in good faith knowing the focus of the segment would be on Sam and his story.

Collectively, ATO and all other national fraternity offices have invested more resources, spent more time and researched more ways to combat hazing than any other entity in the country.  ATO and our interfraternal partners have been in a half-century battle fighting hazing through education, accountability and support of stricter state and federal anti-hazing legislation.  The fact that hazing remains a societal issue (more than 50 percent of graduating high school seniors say they have been victims of hazing in high school) illustrates the intractable nature of hazing.

Alpha Tau Omega remains committed to raising awareness about the destructive nature of hazing.  ATO brothers, like almost all fraternity men are among the most educated students on campus on health and safety issues, including hazing. Despite the ongoing efforts, similar to bullying, some people choose to haze.  If anyone reading this is being hazed, or you know of someone who is being hazed, we encourage you to call the Hazing Hotline at 888-NOT-HAZE (888-668-4293).

Wynn Smiley

Chief Executive Officer