Events and Programs

2024  Events and Programs

Presidents Retreat, Altitude, Encounter, Men of Destiny, Congress

Presidents Retreat:

  • Location: The Loews O’hare Hotel Chicago, IL
  • Event dates: January 5th- 7th

Register through your Portal by Dec 1st.

2024 ATO Congress:

  • Location: Tuscon, AZ
  • Event dates: August 1-4, 2024


  • Location: San Isabel National Forest – Buena Vista, CO
  • Session: Summer 2024

Email if you are interested.


  • Location: Tennessee
  • August 8th – 11th

Email if interested.

Men of Destiny:

  • Location: Chapter Based Sessions
  • To learn more email


Altitude is a rigorous leadership program designed to challenge ATO brothers physically, mentally, and emotionally. The six-day adventure is spent backpacking the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains with the goal of peaking a 14,000 foot summit.


  • Session 1: Summer 2024
  • Session 2: Summer 2024

Is the trek you want to attend sold out?  Send an email to to claim a spot on the wait list.  Don’t waste any time!  Be one of the first on the list of people to move up if someone cannot make the trip! (no deposit necessary)


The Rocky Mountains/San Isabel National Forest in Buena Vista, Colorado.


Participants will arrive in Denver by air on the first day of the trip.  Airfare and all logistics will be provided by the National Fraternity.  The trip leader will be in contact with you once you have paid your registration fee to select an airport and time.


Participation in Altitude 2024 costs $500 — This includes, equipment needed for hiking, white water rafting and rock climbing, all food (except while traveling), and lodging while on site at Noah’s. Financial assistance can be obtained to offset the cost through an educational fund scholarship from the Alpha Tau Omega Foundation. In addition, participants in the past have found local fundraising efforts and alumni support are successful in covering costs associated with Altitude.


Each trip has limited availability and registration will be closed once the trips are full so reserve your spot today!  To reserve your spot for Altitude, all that is required is a non-refundable deposit of $100 or the full payment of $500.  If you have additional questions, contact Jaden Brown at 317-459-6960 or by email at


Encounter is a three-day retreat designed to allow brothers to explore or deepen their spiritual identity. Through the retreat, brothers will encounter God’s grace through the story of the Prodigal son and focus on Glazebrook’s belief that unconditional love as exemplified by Jesus is a powerful and regenerating dynamic. Participation in ATO’s Encounter is open to all chapter undergraduates and associate members of Alpha Tau Omega. Participants must be in good academic, financial, and fraternity standing.


    • Session 1: July
    • Session 2: August

Is the session you want to attend sold out?  Send an email to Levi Shearon to claim a spot on the wait list.  Don’t waste any time!  Be one of the first on the list of people to move up if someone cannot make the trip!


Location: TBD


Participants will arrive in Denver by air on the first day of the trip.  Airfare and all logistics will be provided by the National Fraternity.  The session leader will be in contact with you once you have paid your registration fee to select an airport and time.


Participation in Encounter 2024 costs $300 — This includes, airfare. Financial assistance can be obtained to offset the cost through an educational fund scholarship from the Alpha Tau Omega Foundation. In addition, participants in the past have found local fundraising efforts and alumni support are successful in covering costs associated with Encounter.


Each trip has limited availability and registration will be closed once the trips are full so reserve your spot today! To reserve your spot for Encounter, contact your Leadership Consultant for more information. He will direct you to the right resources when they are made available. If you have additional questions, contact Levi Shearon at 317-820-7707 or by email at

Men of Destiny

The one-and-a-half day program focuses on helping men identify the strengths that personally motivate and how those strengths overlap with their desire to engage and support others in their family, community, or world. Someone’s destiny evolves and comes into sharper focus throughout life.  But identifying the building blocks of destiny early in life as well as providing the opportunity to start exploring the benefits and impact is unique for someone in college. Participant evaluations have been extraordinarily strong.  Men of Destiny is becoming another value-added benefit of being an ATO.


    • Year Round


Location: Your Campus





Presidents Retreat

The Alpha Tau Omega Presidents Retreat is held every January and provides incoming chapter officers the opportunity to learn what it takes to be an effective chapter leader. The retreat provides complete nuts and bolts content coverage and the ability to collaborate with other chapter presidents. The Conference has proven itself so critically important to a chapter’s health that every President, Vice president, and membership educator is required to attend. Currently, the National fraternity pays the cost for all undergraduates required to attend. Our goal is to help pay for travel costs of chapter officers attending, as well as provide ATO Foundation grants to pay for those portions of the conference that are specifically leadership, citizenship, and spiritual in nature.