Colony helps Build-A-Better Smile for

Feb 17, 2012

COLONY (Nevada-Reno) — The newly established colony at the University of Nevada at Reno has completed their first signature event known as Build-A-Better Smile. The colony paired with Build-A-Bear Workshop to put together $1400 worth of bears which were then delivered to the Renown Children’s Hospital in Reno, Nev.

In an article by The Nevada Sagebrush:
The Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity hosted its first philanthropic event since recolonizing on campus in fall 2011.

The roughly 45-member fraternity made about 40 bears at the Build-A-Bear Workshop in the Meadowood Mall and personally handed them out to children at the Renown Children’s Hospital during the weekend.

In an email, Dion Cabrera, the public relations chair for ATO, said, “Our goal is to ultimately change not only the university’s view of us, but the community as well.”


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