Mount Union rallies to support Relay for Life

Apr 14, 2010

Relay for Life carries a different meaning to each individual. Most people are affected in someway throughout their life by cancer.

Mount Union students rallied in support of Relay for Life Friday April 9 and Saturday April 10 with the support of local community members and businesses.

Most campus organizations had a table at the event where they helped to raise money for the cause or raise awareness for a particular type of cancer.

The theme this year for Relay for Life was games, and organizations came up with a variety of innovative and interesting fundraising ideas, from water pong to Operation Cornhole, to “Rent a Jockstrap”.

Sigma Nu set up a table at this year’s Relay for Life and rented out jockstraps for two dollars per half hour. These were supposed to help bring awareness to the testicular cancer.

A sophomore and Sigma Nu brother, Mike Fiorucci, said “ I think the jock straps were a really good idea, I just wish we had more supporters.”

Alpha Tau Omega sold drinks throughout the night to raise money for Relay and had video games set up to help pass the time.

Student Senate representative Teale Harold loved the game theme this year and thought the student organizations came up with a lot of good booths and interesting fundraisers.

“It brings people together. Losing family members can be isolating, but at Relay you can find other people going through the same thing,” commented Harold.

She added walking has a really personal feel to it when you walk in memory of a relative or friend.

There was also plenty of entertainment, and students came together to entertain throughout the night. In addition to all the games, there was live singing, belly dancing, break dancing, and a drag queen contest.

Some people showed their support for the American Cancer Society by being energetic in the middle of the night and early morning hours.

Around 2 a.m., the dance music began with the Hokey Pokey, and continued with the Chicken Dance, Macarena, the Locomotion and Cotton Eyed Joe. Those people dancing around and singing to the music helped others to raise their own energy level and stay awake.

Kappa Kappa Si representative Alecia Bentcz dedicated 20 hours to her organization and walking. She said the best thing about Relay this year was planning and getting the booth organized, and she walked a lap for one of her sorority sisters who is a survivor.

Junior Erica Swanger represented her HE 420 class and dedicated over ten hours to Relay this year. She walked in memory of her father, who passed away from brain cancer almost two years ago.

Swanger’s two grandmothers are also survivors who she walks for. She said Relay gives people hope because some believe the cure for cancer is so close.

Also representing HE 420, Lisa Perko walked in memory of her uncle who passed away two years ago.

Perko thinks Relay for Life is a great cause, and she said, “I think it’s worth it to keep those people in our memories.”

Also, at Relay for Life on Friday night was a chance to cut off long hair and donate it to make wigs for cancer patients. Around fifteen to twenty people got their hair cut at the event to donate to Locks of Love. There is a minimum of ten inches that needs to be cut for those who wanted to help.

Juliann Trevorrow, a sophomore, donated ten inches of her hair to the cause. Trevorrow’s father passed away five and a half years ago due to cancer and she says this is her way of giving back. She participated in Relay for Life at her high school and the past two years at Mount.

APO representative Sarah Snyder walked for a unique cause. Her mother went through Chemotherapy this past year, so she walked for her.

Snyder was pleased with the fundraisers and her favorite part was her organizations success with their “Dip-Off Competition”, in which they used different types of chip dip that participants could sample and vote for.

Captain for the FCA organization was Corey Unckrich, who dedicated more than 20 hours to Relay for Life this year. He was impressed with his team, and thankful for having so many people come and walk for FCA.

FCA had a board set up for every lap a member or friend of a member walked, they added a paper clip to a chain. By noon on Saturday morning, they had over 60 meters of paper clips laid out.

Unckrich acknowledged the community support and the local businesses that supported Relay for Life this year.

“It shows that we support the people who have this disease, and we’re here to help them through their fight,” said Unckrich.

Mount students and community members alike showed their support for Relay for Life to celebrate survivors, remember those lost in the battle with cancer, and also to raise money so maybe one day there will be a cure.


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