Boise State (Lambda Gamma) Charters
Apr 17, 2019
Alpha Tau Omega is proud to announce our most recent chartering. On April 6th, the National Fraternity initiated 48 men at the installation ceremony of the Lambda Gamma chapter at Boise State University in Boise, ID.
After dedicating years of hard work and effort towards establishing themselves, colony members gathered on Saturday the 6th to begin their official new journey of friendship together. Social Chairman Jake Rifkin spoke about his time within the colony, “It’s given me more opportunities to take leadership roles and push myself to break outside of my comfort zone.”
After the ceremony, friends and family gathered together for a reception celebrating the achievement. Former chapter President Chase Ford spoke about his experience on campus, “To be an official chapter here at Boise State is huge for us, especially me. I used to put my headphones in, go to class, go home, go to work. Now, with ATO, I’ve really opened up to a full college experience.”
Former Recruitment Chair and current President Tiegan Bagnall also described his feelings, “I’m overjoyed and excited. We already knew what our bond was, but this ceremony helped grow that bond and our understanding. I’m looking forward to carrying onwards with my brothers”