Jack “the Face” Blankenship featured by ESPN The Magazine
Mar 20, 2013
ALABAMA (Beta Delta)–ATO Brother Jack Blankenship, Alabama ’11, also known as “the Face,” was highlighted in the March 18, 2013 release of ESPN The Magazine. Featuring a half-page photo of Jack, the short “Insider Spotlight” offers a brief glimpse into Jack’s rise to fame, including his bug-eyed exchange with Beyonce and Jay-Z.
Photographer Matthew Coughlin recently wrote in his blog about the commission to photograph “The Face” and shared some behind the scenes shots and additional photos that didn’t make the magazine. You can read about the commission and check out the photos at matthewcoughlin.com.
ATO Roadshow also traveled to Tuscaloosa, Ala. in the fall of 2012 to produce a “Tau2Watch” piece about Jack and his famed face: