Zeta Pi Honored at Step Show, Takes Second Place
Mar 27, 2013
“To conclude Greek Fest activities, Step Show was held Friday Feb. 15, at 7 p.m.
“Chi Omega took overall best in show as well as first place in the sorority division. The brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha won first in the fraternity division. Receiving second place in sorority was Alpha Omicron Pi and Alpha Tau Omega in the fraternity division.
“…The [brotherhood] of ATO’s theme was the stomping dead. They were dressed as zombies. Because of their performance, the brothers of ATO received second place in the fraternity division.
“…During the break between the fraternity and sorority divisions, the students from Up til’ Dawn came and thanked the Greek community for their participation in the event last fall. Chi Omega and Alpha Tau Omega were awarded plaques for sending the most letters out during the fall. UTM raised $39,097 for St. Jude. Because of the amount raised, UTM was in the top 25 donated schools.”
*The complete article may be found online via The Pacer: http://go.ato.org/Zllbu4